Sunday, May 31, 2009

That awful American religion

Seeing Jesus in the temple and (somehow) knowing it was the One he had been waiting for while his beard grew long, Simeon picks Jesus up and says:

“Lord, now you are letting your servant depart in peace according to your work; for my eyes have seen your salvation that you have prepared in the presence of all peoples, a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and for glory to your people Israel.”

Then Simeon turns to Mary and Joseph and says:

“Behold, this child is appointed for the fall and rising of many in Israel, and for a sign that is opposed – and a sword will pierce through your own soul also – so that thoughts the many hearts may be revealed.” (Lk 2)

Christianity is not ours to defend, but God’s. It is not our religion. It’s not America’s religion or Israel’s or some missionary’s. In 150 years sociologists may lecture on Christianity as the Chinese religion. If we aren’t careful we can very easily develop an inappropriate sense of ownership over the book, the history, the Man, the God that belongs to God alone. He is his own and if we take part in him it is because he owns us.

Simeon saw the salvation that God had prepared in the presence of all peoples – a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and for glory to his people Israel. It was not Simeon’s salvation or even Israel’s. It was God’s salvation he prepared over all cultures, nations, languages, and religions. Jesus is light to the Gentiles and glory for his people Israel.

That Simeon would bless the Gentiles in his prophetic declaration is offensive for the Jews who would like nothing more than the throw off the heavy and dirty hand of the Gentiles by the power of their new Messiah. But Simeon is over Israel’s religion; he has tasted the freeing truth of God’s religion. He can speak without ownership of his words because they are God’s. He says Jesus will bring the rise and fall of many in Israel. Why would he ruin the moment of exaltation in the coming of the Messiah by predicting the ruin of some in Israel? Why would he say that Jesus will be a “sign that is opposed”? Why would he terrify Mary and Joseph by telling them a sword will pierce through their soul? The specific meaning of those announcements should be worked out, but I just notice this: God owns what is happening, not any person or nation.
The story of salvation across the testaments is enormous and out of the control of any author. The fulfillments of Jesus and the revelation of his lordship is too immense, too unpredictable, too unwieldy, too complicated, too suicidal for anyone but God to control. He owns his way and works it over and, if necessary, against us.

Brothers, have the confidence that comes with being part of something far larger than you. Have the boldness that comes in seeking God’s way to the dismissal of human opinion. Disbelieve the marginalizing evaluation of “your” religion; we do not ultimately answer for it.

Brothers, take ownership of the faith so far as it concerns your will; take comfort in the faith because it stand’s in God’s.

1 comment:

David said...

This could be helpful for missionaries who are accused of bringing "their" religion onto another people.